Panama City Cruiser

Anonymous Tip From tip411 Leads to Arrest of Alleged Repeat Sexual Offender in Panama City

An anonymous tip from the public led to the arrest of a man on four counts of failure to register as a sexual offender recently in Panama City, FL.

Detectives with the Panama City Police Department received a tip from a citizen using their tip411 service regarding a person who was a fugitive from Pennsylvania and included a wanted flyer from the state as well as a press release from PCPD from January regarding a hit-and-run crash investigation.

Through their investigation, police said detectives learned that the suspect was an absconded sexual offender from Pennsylvania and had not registered in the state of Florida since moving here in July of 2021.

Detectives were also able to find a blue 2001 Chevrolet pickup truck that was believed to be involved in a hit and run accident on 23rd Street in January. Police said the truck had damage like that observed in surveillance video from the crash. The suspect was arrested and charged with four counts of failure to register as a sex offender, failure to update his address, identification, phone number and vehicle information, leaving the scene of an accident with property damage, tampering with evidence and driving with license suspended or revoked.

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MNTip App

New Minnesota DNR Mobile App Helps People Protect Game and Fish Resources

The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources encourages citizens to download the MNTip mobile app, developed by tip411, ahead of the Minnesota Fishing Opener on May 14. The MNTip app helps anglers, hunters and other outdoor enthusiasts take an active role in protecting the state’s game and fish resources.

“The vast majority of people who recreate outdoors in Minnesota do things the right way, and they have that same expectation of other people,” said Col. Rodmen Smith, director of the DNR Enforcement Division. “This app adds to the many ways all people can help ensure future generations have the opportunity to enjoy the things we do today.”

The app, which launched last fall, allows users to anonymously report potential game and fish violations from their cell phones. The free app is available for download via the Google Play or iTunes App stores.

The app augments the highly successful Turn in Poachers hotline, which lets people report potential violations quickly and conveniently to DNR conservation officers 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

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Revere Police Help Fight Crime

Revere Police Launch New tip411 Anonymous Tip System for Customized Crime-Fighting

The Revere, MA Police Department is increasing its crime-fighting arsenal with the new Revere PD mobile app, developed by tip411, to help residents connect with the department to find in-formation, view alerts, and submit anonymous tips from their smartphone.

“Our objective is to improve the quality of life through the community partnerships to promote a safe and secure community for all,” said Revere Police Chief David Callahan.  “I believe our new tip411 system will help make it easier for our community to partner with us to make Revere a safer place to live, work, and visit.”

The Revere PD app is available for download for free via the Google Play Store and the iTunes App Store.

Citizens can also submit a tip via their cell phone to police by texting keyword REVEREPD to 847411, adding a space, typing in the information and hitting send. 

Using the app or text message method, the public will be able to share an anonymous tip with police and lets officers respond back to create an anonymous two-way conversation.

“We’re continuously working to build more advanced and innovative products to help de-partments better engage their communities,” said tip411 President Terry Halsch.  “The Revere PD app, powered by tip411, will greatly improve the public’s access to agency alerts, social media channels, important information, and more to help fight crime.”

The Revere PD app and tip411 anonymous text a tip system are 100% anonymous, as the technology removes all identifying information before police see the tips and there is no way to identify the sender.

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Revere Journal – Revere Police Launch New tip411 Anonymous Tip System

Submit tips to Rockford Police Department

Rockford Police Launch New Mobile App Developed by tip411

The Rockford, IL Police Department has launched their new mobile app, developed by tip411, it hopes will lead to more tips that can help solve crime in the city. The Rockford PD app allows citizens to send tips to police anonymously. The app will also display Rockford PD alerts, which allows the agency to push public safety information directly to citizens.

“We’re constantly working with the community and working on ways to improve our communication and our relationships across the board. tip 411 is another avenue which will allow us to keep those lines of communication open with one another,” Rockford Police Chief, Carla Redd said.

Chief Redd believes the new system that allows residents to report crimes anonymously will help her staff minimize the impact to the community.

“Once that information is sent in via the app, from the law enforcement standpoint, we have no idea who that person is on the other end.”

The app is already in operation in cities like Peoria where Police Chief Eric Echevarria raves about its effectiveness.

“It opens up that line of communication like never before, when you could only get a tip or get some information from a third party who would then send it to the police. This allows us to communicate back and forth anonymously,” Echevarria said.

Peoria’s police department received 171 tips in the last four months through Tip 411, and are able to both make arrests and move forward with investigations through these anonymous tipsters.

The Rockford PD tip411 mobile app is available for free via the Apple App Store and Google Play Store.

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Wilmington Police Add tip411 and Other Tech Platforms

To keep the Wilmington, NC community safe and provide a convenient way to communicate with residents, the Wilmington Police Department has been adopting more technology-based platforms over the past few years, including their tip411 mobile app.

This includes the recent launch of the Mobile News/Public Information Officer (PIO) units, which are SUVs branded with QR codes for people to scan and download the Wilmington PD mobile app, developed by tip411, to submit anonymous tips. The goal of the units is to increase the visibility of PIOs at police crime scenes and encourage the community to send tips.
“We are always looking for new ways to engage the public and to increase our visibility. The SUVs allow us to be easily identified by local media outlets at crime scenes and are also a great tool to use at community events,” said Brandon Shope, communications specialist with the Wilmington Police Department.
“Our officers work daily to keep our community safe. As technology evolves, so do we,” he said. “We wanted to provide citizens with an alternative method to sending in tips anonymously.”
The text-a-tip program has evolved into the Wilmington NC PD app, which WPD launched in November 2020. The application, available for download for free on the Apple App Store and Google Play, allows users to submit tips, receive crime alerts and other community information and view WPD’s social media and online content. Residents can still submit anonymous tips via text by sending the keyword WPDNC with the tip to 847411.
Through the app, users can submit a tip using their location and attach a photo or video as well as customize alerts. Another feature of the app is that it uses technology to remove any identifying information on the sender.

“We do not see who sends us the tips; all of that information is scrubbed completely,” Shope said. “Our STING Center is able to communicate with the tipster directly in a 100% anonymous way.”
Shope said many community members have downloaded the app and it has assisted the police department with solving crimes through the years, such as larcenies, hit-and-runs and homicides.

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