DeKalb County, GA Police Partners with tip411 to Enhance Community Safety

DeKalb County PD tip411Dekalb County Police Department (860 sworn officers) enhances their community safety by teaming up with tip411 so citizens can submit anonymous tips directly to officers. 

“Our mission is to enhance the quality of life in DeKalb County by working with the community to preserve the peace and provide for a safe environment,” said DeKalb County Police Chief Mirtha V. Ramos. “We believe our new app will help us do just that by making it easier for our residents to engage with us to protect our community.”

The tip411 anonymous text-a-tip system is 100 percent anonymous, as the technology removes all identifying information before police see the tips and there is no way to identify the sender, officials said.

tip411 has been proven to reduce crime, close cases, improve community engagement, and overall makes communities safer. 

The public can submit anonymous tips to Dekalb County Police by texting “DKPD” and the tip information to 847411. The public can also use the DKPDs Tip mobile app, powered by tip411, to view community alerts and submit anonymous tips. The DKPD Tip app can be downloaded for free at the iTunes and Google Play App Store.


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Harrisonburg, VA Police Department Cracks Case with tip411

Harrisonburg Police Department (82 sworn officers) utilized their partnership with tip411 to send out an alert to the public through the tool, requesting the community to help identify a suspect involved in a recent robbery.

Several tips were immediately received from the public which helped provide enough creditable information for HPD to obtain a warrant. 

The HPD Special Weapons and Tactical (SWAT) team executed that search warrant at the individual’s residence.

The suspect was then taken into custody and charged with the use of a firearm in the commission of a felony, armed robbery, and prohibition of wearing of masks in certain places.

The public can submit anonymous tips to the Harrisonburg PD by texting HPDVA and the tip information to 847411. The Harrisonburg PD app can be downloaded for free at the Apple App Store and Google Play App Store.


See the alert HERE.

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Peoria IL Public Schools uses tip411 to Combat Crime

Help Fight Crime Peoria pd

Since switching to the tip411 anonymous tip tool, Peoria IL, public schools have seen a positive increase in citizens reaching out to provide information on possible issues and criminal activity compared to previous tipping options. 

The tool can be used in multiple ways including reporting bullying, potential fights, incidents outside school, parents’ concerns, and complaints.

Following the implementation of tip411 in 2022,  Peoria public schools have received over 150 tips to date. 

According to School Safety Director Demario Boone, his staff can get reports and respond to anonymous texts to get more information with the tip411 tool, something they couldn’t do before.

At the most recent school board meeting, Boone indicated that within the past month, 24 tips were received through the tip411 tool, including about a teacher, and concerns over a firearm posted on social media.

“I was out on a Saturday with my kids, got a tip, sent it to Peoria Police, and we were able to get in the house, search the house, get the BB gun out of the house because it wasn’t a real one. Within 20 minutes we were able to solve all of that thanks to tip411,” Boone said.

Peoria Police Chief Eric Echevarria said the Peoria Police Department has seen a 41% reduction over the year in all incident reports from the schools.

“Most of disorderly conducts also include these threats that we’re seeing nationally and locally; we’re still down 3% compared to last year,” Echevarria said.

The public can submit anonymous tips to Peoria Public Schools by texting “PEORIAPS” and the tip information to 847411. The public can also use the PEORIAPs Tip mobile app, powered by tip411, to view community alerts and submit anonymous tips. The PEORIAPS Tip app can be downloaded for free at the iTunes and Google Play App Store.


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Alaska State Troopers Find Success Locating Dangerous Felon with tip411

Alaska State TroopersAlaska State Troopers (350 sworn officers) sent out an alert through the tip411 tool, requesting their citizens to help find a suspect who had an active felony warrant for kidnapping and second and third-degree assault. 

Within 24 hours, the suspected individual turned himself into custody without incident, thanks to the tips and information provided by Alaskan residents. 

tip411 has demonstrated its ability to foster community engagement, improve crime prevention efforts, and lead to successful investigations in over 2,000 communities. 

The public can submit anonymous tips to the Alaska State Troopers by texting “AKTIP” and the tip information to 847411. The public can also use the AKTIP mobile app, powered by tip411, to view community alerts and submit anonymous tips. The AKTIP app can be downloaded for free at the iTunes and Google Play App Store.


See the alert here.

Juvenile Apprehended for Making Credible Threats against Harrisonburg and Wilson Memorial High Schools, VA

Harrisonburg PD tip411Harrisonburg Police Department (82 sworn officers) received multiple tips through the tip411 tool, used in over 2,000 communities, about a 16-year-old making gun violence threats against Harrisonburg and Wilson Memorial High School via Snapchat.

With the help of those tips, two petitions were obtained, and a detention order was issued against the juvenile; the first was for threats of death or bodily injury to a person on school property, and the second was for a threat against Wilson Memorial High School. 

The tip411 tool is designed to connect residents directly to law enforcement, including submitting anonymous tips, viewing community alerts, and other important information. 

The public can submit anonymous tips to the Harrisonburg PD by texting HPDVA and the tip information to 847411. The Harrisonburg PD app can be downloaded for free at the Apple App Store and Google Play App Store.


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