Tips received through the Johnstown Police Department’s new tip411 smartphone application helped lead to the apprehension of a city man who was wanted on several outstanding warrants, police Capt. Chad Miller wrote in an email Friday.
“This is just one example of how tip411 is helping us locate wanted individuals and get them off the streets,” Miller wrote. “Tip411 is also helping us locate drug trafficking areas in and out of the city that we were previously unaware of.”
Miller wrote that the police department received several tips about Jamie Blough, 47, of the Woodvale section of Johnstown, who was arrested Friday.
A new app on your smartphone will help Columbia Falls residents and police work closer together.
The Columbia Falls Police Department is partnering with tip411 to create a new Columbia Falls PD app.
The app will allow Columbia Falls residents to connect with police, find information and submit anonymous tips from their smartphone. Columbia Falls Police Chief Clint Peters says the apps are available for both iPhone and Android and is free and easy to download.
“If you have an apple phone or an android it doesn’t matter the app is there,” said Peters. “If you can’t find it simply just search Columbia Falls Police Department, hit search, it’s the … (first) thing that pops up, it has our badge on there easily identifiable, download it and you can see the tips and you can see how you to communicate back and forth once you gave a tip.”
Based out of Minnesota, tip411 have been in business for more than 20 years, serving 1,800 jurisdictions across the country. This includes law enforcement, schools and the United States Air Force.
Tip411 account manager Logan Buhr said the app allows residents to remain totally anonymous while providing police tips. “Have a two-way conversation with law enforcement officials while protecting their identity and provide what information they have to help make their community safer.”
Chief Peters says the department has been working to implement and train for the new app. He added the simple to use smart phone application allows younger generations easier access to communicate with law enforcement.
“This gives people an opportunity to reach out. We’re reaching out through media … already. This is just another avenue that maybe we can get that younger generation, that this is how they communicate, this is how we figure we can best reach them,” said Peters.
Anonymous web tips can also be submitted through Columbia Falls Police Departments website . Residents without a smartphone can share information with police by sending an anonymous text tip via their cell phone by texting keyword CFPD — and their tip — to 847411.
The Framingham Police Department is increasing its crime-fighting arsenal with a new app to help residents connect with the
department to find information, view alerts, and submit anonymous tips from their smartphone.
Developed by tip411, the Framingham PD app puts a powerful new crime-fighting tool into the hands of community members of all ages. The Framingham PD app is available for download for free via the Google Play Store, iTunes App Store, or by visiting the Framingham Police Department website at www.framinghamma.gov/police.
“The Framingham Police Department is charged with protecting and serving those who live, work, and travel in Framingham.,” said Chief Steven Trask of the Framingham Police Department. “Working together with our residents can have the greatest impact on safety, and I believe the new Framingham PD app from tip411 will help make it easier for residents to share information to help protect their community.”
The new Framingham PD app enables the public to share an anonymous tip with police and lets officers respond back to create an anonymous two-way conversation.
“We’ve listened to feedback from partners like Framingham Police and have built a more advanced and innovative product to help departments better engage their communities,” said tip411 President Terry Halsch. “The Framingham PD app, powered by tip411, will greatly improve the public’s access to agency alerts, social media channels, important information, and more to help fight crime.”
The Framingham PD app and tip411 anonymous text a tip system are 100% anonymous, as the technology removes all identifying information before police see the tips and there is no way to identify the sender.
Residents in Framingham without a smartphone can share information with police by sending an anonymous text tip via their cell phone to police by texting keyword FPDTIPS and their message/tip to 847411 (tip411). Anonymous web tips can also be submitted through the department’s website at www.framinghamma.gov/police.
A new way to anonymously report crime tips in Massena is up and running via an app called tip411.
The Massena Police Department app is available for free download via the Google Play Store, iTunes App Store, or by visiting the Massena Police Department website at www.MassenaPD.com.
Chief Adam J. Love said one of the biggest benefits is the ability to report information anonymously. He said they realize people are sometimes afraid to call the police with information. But, by using tip411, the system removes all of the identifying information, and police receive no personal information such as name, phone number and address.
The individual app for iPhones or Android phones has a tab for alerts, where alerts will be sent by the police department. Another tab is for “My Tips,” where individuals would be able to anonymously send information to the department. There are also links to the department’s website and Facebook pages, as well as the ability to phone the department from the app.
Anyone who doesn’t have a smart phone can still send anonymous tips through a message. They would text keyword MPDTIP to 847411, add a space, type in their tip information and hit send.
In addition, they can use the Anonymous Web Tip Form from their computer by visiting www.MassenaPD.com.
“The biggest thing is they can send anonymous tips,” Chief Love said. “We want to be able to help connect our police department with the public. This is just one powerful tool that we can use to let people reach out to us. The public is our greatest crime-fighting resource.”
For instance, he said, someone may have a concern about possible drug activity in their neighborhood, bullying, suspicious activity or crime.
“Instead of them worrying about are they going to know who I am, they can send a tip anonymously,” he said.
Chief Love said tip411 is strictly to provide anonymous reports, and isn’t mean for emergencies or urgent need of police assistance. Residents should continue to call 9-1-1- for all emergency situations and, for non-emergency, the department at 3165-769-3577.
In addition to anonymous reporting, the app allows the department to get information out to subscribers instantaneously. He said they the police department can use it for instances such as when they’re looking for information on a person or incident. They can also use it in conjunction with the Massena Volunteer Fire Department to alert subscribers to stay away from an area where a fire is in progress, or the Department of Public Works to let individuals know about a road closure for repair work.
He said information can be disseminated in a short amount of time, even from his cell phone. Alerts can be sent via an email or a text message to the individual’s phone. Chief Love said they’ll also continue to use social media site such as Facebook to pass on information.
“We want to be able to help connect our police department with the public. This is just one powerful tool that we can use that people can reach out to us. With social media, they have the right to limit how far out we go and who receives messages. With tip 411, everybody will get a message,” he said.
“I think this is going to give us a nice connection with our community that supports us so well. I think this is one way to be able to keep that positive connection. We look forward to using it and the community using it,” he said.