Port Wentworth PD iPhone Application

Port Wentworth police find success in new phone apps

Three new phone applications are boosting the power of the Port Wentworth Police Department. Detectives say they are solving more crimes and keeping people safe with a better alert system.

One app is called “Tip411.” It allows police to send people quick and urgent alerts about suspects, kidnapping victims and more.

The app also has a tab for police to request information about certain crimes. Another feature gives people an opportunity to submit detailed tips, pictures, and videos about anything else.

Port Wentworth Detective Jeffrey McMurry says the app has helped solve cases like hit and runs, which are notoriously hard to solve. The detective says nearly every tip has led to an arrest or prosecution, or has furthered the investigation in some way.

“We’ve gotten more tips because of these apps. More people are willing to explain more of what’s going on,” said Det. McMurry.

Det. McMurry says people are also more willing to give more descriptive information on the apps, which makes their investigations run smoother and more quickly.

Police are also relying on the Nexdoor and Ring Neighbors apps for anonymous tips and information about what is happening around the city. Police get one or more helpful tips per week on one of the three applications.

In addition to phone applications, police are still using CrimeStoppers as a source for anonymous tips. If you would rather call a tip in, the line is always open. The number is 912-234-2020. Port Wentworth Police get at least one useful phone call per month.

Det. McMurry says police explained the Tip411 app to residents at a town hall on Monday. He says the feedback was all positive.

“They’re loving the fact that we’re getting out there and being more accessible to citizens within the city,” he said.

The Tip411 app, Ring Neighbors app and Nextdoor app are all available for free in the Google Play and Apple app stores.

To download the Tip411 app, search for ‘Port Wentworth PD’ in the search bar.

See the full story from WSAV3

Application tool used to connect anonymous reporting

Arlington Launches New Safety Alert, Tip System

The town has launched a new app that allows residents to connect with the Arlington Police Department to find information, view alerts and submit anonymous tips from their smartphone.

The Arlington Police Department app and tip411 anonymous text-a-tip system are 100 percent anonymous, as the technology removes all identifying information before police see the tips and there is no way to identify the sender. This allows the public to share an anonymous tip with police and lets officers respond back to create an anonymous two-way conversation.

“I believe that a police department is only as strong and successful as the community it serves,” Chief Juliann Flaherty said in a statement. “That’s why our new Arlington PD app from tip411 will help greatly enhance our ability to engage our community to help fight crime. Other police departments are successfully using this program, such as the Lynn Police Department.”

The program was started and is solely monitored by the police department. The texts go straight to Arlington detectives.

Superintendent Kathleen Bodie said the district will work to promote tip411 among students, staff, parents and guardians in the community.

“This will be another great tool we have to keep our students and community safe,” Bodie said in a statement. “We look forward to partnering with Arlington Police to promote and educate students and their families about how to use the app.”

Developed by tip411, the Arlington Police Department app is available for download for free via the Google Play Store, iTunes App Store, or by visiting the Arlington Police Department website at www.ArlingtonMA.gov/police.

Those without a smartphone will still be able to share information with police by sending an anonymous text tip via their cell phone to police by texting keyword ARLINGTONPD and their message/tip to 847411 (tip411). Anonymous web tips can also be submitted through the department’s website at www.ArlingtonMA.gov/police.

Tip411 should not be used if you or someone else is in imminent danger. Please call 911 in the event of an emergency.

Read the full story from Patch.com

Cinnaminson Police Home Page

Cinnaminson Police Now Have An App

Cinnaminson police? There’s an app for that. There’s also a new website for the first time in more than 15 years.

The Cinnaminson Police Department has launched a new app to help residents submit anonymous tips from their smartphone, the department announced on Wednesday. It will also allow officers to respond and create an anonymous two-way conversation.

The Cinnaminson PD App, developed by tip411, removes all identifying information before police see the tips and there is no way to identify the sender, police said.

It also helps residents find information and view alerts. It can be downloaded for free through Google Play, iTunes and through the Cinnaminson Police Department’s new website, which launches Thursday.

The new website will be found at www.cinnaminsonpolice.org. It is the first official webpage the police department has had in over 15 years, according to Cinnaminson Police Chief Richard Calabrese. Screen shots from the new website, provided for use by the police department, are attached to this post.

The app can be downloaded as of Wednesday, but all features will work effective Thursday, Calabrese said.

“Our goal is to keep our community safe for all who live, work, and visit Cinnaminson Township,” Calabrese said. “I believe the new Cinnaminson Township PD app from tip411 will help in those efforts by enhancing our ability to engage our community to help fight crime and support public safety.”

The app is completely paid for using civil forfeiture funds, police said.

“We’ve listened to feedback from partners like Cinnaminson Township Police and have built a more advanced and innovative product to help departments better engage their communities,” tip411 President Terry Halsch said. “The Cinnaminson PD app powered by tip411 will greatly improve the public’s access to agency alerts, social media channels, important information, and more to help fight crime.”

Residents in Cinnaminson Township without a smartphone can share information with police by sending an anonymous text tip via their cell phone to police by texting keyword CINNAMINSONPD and their message/tip to 847411 (tip411). Anonymous web tips can also be submitted through the department’s website.

Police also remind residents that tip411 is not meant to be used for emergencies or even in the urgent need of police assistance. Residents should always call 911 if they have an emergency.

Read the full story from The Patch

Safety Grant

Apply for Grant Funding to Bring tip411 to Your Community’s Schools

$10,000,000 is currently up for grabs through a grant program to increase school safety and prevent school violence through the STOP School Violence Grant Program!  Specifically mentioned in the program description is the goal to:

Develop and implement threat assessment and/or intervention teams to operate technology solutions such as anonymous reporting systems for threats of school violence, including mobile telephone applications, hotlines, and websites. These teams must coordinate with law enforcement agencies and school personnel.

tip411 School Edition is uniquely positioned to satisfy this particular requirement and more. In fact, tip411 School Edition is the solution exclusively recommended by the Onondaga County, NY School Safety Task Force to help increase school safety.

Please reach out to us immediately if you are interested in applying so that we can assist you to the best of our abilities. The application deadline is March 3rd, 2020 with an implementation date of October 1st, 2020.

Tip411 Helps Williamson County Solve Crimes

Williamson County Sheriff’s Office urges the community to text anonymous tips on crimes

The Williamson County Sheriff’s Office is using new technology to make it easier for the community to send in tips on crimes.

With the click of a button a tipster helped culminate weeks of investigation leading to the arrest of a man for selling methamphetamine. It’s a crime the Williamson County Sheriff’s Office would likely never know about if it weren’t for their tip411 program. It’s way to send a tip anonymously through a cell phone or computer.

“With tip411, it’s all done digitally,” Williamson County Sheriff’s Office investigator Paul Lusk said. “You can do it through the county website, our Facebook page, through text message.”

Anyone with a tip can text tip411 (847411) using the keyword ‘tipwcso’ before texting whatever tip the user wants to send. Tipsters can also use an app through iOS and Android, WilliamsonCo Sheriff.

“All of the information is filtered out as far as identifying information and we receive the tip almost instantaneously,” Lusk said. “There’s no way for us to subpoena or court order tip411 to give us the information of who sent the tip in.”

An investigator may respond back to the message looking for more information, but Lusk says they have no way of actually identifying who wrote to them.

They’ve received about 300 tips since the program began about two years ago. Lusk says roughly half of them have led to an arrest. Tipsters can still call Crime Stoppers or departments directly, but tip411 allows for complete anonymity.

“A lot of times people who send in tips are friends and family of the people that they’re tipping about or giving information about and they don’t want to be the black sheep of the family,” Lusk said. “They don’t want to have retaliation.”

Lusk says most tips have been drug related, but hopes more messages will lead to arrests on all sorts of crimes they may never know about without the community’s help.

“We have limited staff. We’re actually shorthanded right now. If we only have six or seven guys covering the entire county, they can patrol around and see what they see going through neighborhoods and try to proactively stop crime, but to us it’s more important for the neighbors, coworkers, just the community in general to be able to see stuff,” Lusk said. “They see it 24 hours a day. They live with it and there’s no way for us to know that some of that stuff is going on unless it’s reported and we feel like this is a safe way to do it.”

Anyone who is in an emergency should call 911. The Williamson County Emergency Management Agency is still working on a county wide program for texting 911 they hope to implement in summer 2020.

Lusk also reminded the community to save the tip411 for crimes because they investigate every tip that comes in seriously.

See the full story from NewsChannel5.com