Montgomery County Sheriff's Department anonymous tip platform

Montgomery County Sheriff’s Department launches new smartphone tool

The Montgomery County Sheriff’s Department announced a new smartphone tool on Tuesday. The app allows people to check for updates, view alerts and submit anonymous tips.

Developed by tip411, the “MontgomeryCo Sheriff app” puts a powerful new crime-fighting tool into the hands of community members of all ages. The app is available for download for free via the Google Play Store, iTunes App Store, or by visiting the Montgomery County Sheriff’s Office website.

The app and tip411 text a tip system are 100% anonymous, as the technology removes all identifying information before deputies see the tips and there is no way to identify the sender.

Residents can also submit an anonymous tip by texting MCSONY and their message/tip
to 847411. Anonymous web tips can also be submitted through the department’s website.

Read the full story from News10.

Farmville PD introduces tip411

Farmville Police Department Introduces tip411

The Farmville Police Department is pleased to announce the start of TIP411.  This is a cell phone and web-based application that allows citizens to anonymously report tips to the department. Often, the ability to solve crimes depends a great deal upon the involvement of the citizens.  By embracing new technologies, we are working to proactively enhance those lines of communication between the community and the police department.  In addition to anonymously providing information to assist with solving crimes, you can even attach photographs and videos after you submit an initial tip.

Please be assured that all information provided when you submit a tip is kept strictly confidential.  When you submit a tip, it is sent to a third party tip service, which acts as a privacy buffer between you and the Farmville Police Department. Your identity is protected, as well as your contact information. 

Read the full story from The Southside Messenger

Stark County anonymous tip reporting platform

Stark County has new app for tipsters to solve crime

The Stark County Crime Stoppers nonprofit has rolled out a new crime-reporting system that will put the power of reporting a crime anonymously into the hands of the public.

“Our mission is to keep the community safe and gather any information we can to help solve crime,” Ferrero said in a news release. “We believe the new StarkCo Crime Stoppers app from tip411 will make it easier for residents to contact law enforcement with information to help keep their community safe.”

The city of Canton has had a Tip411 line for six years. The company that handles Canton’s tipline is also the same company that handles the county’s new service.

Now the county Crime Stoppers group, spearheaded by Ferrero’s office, has a Tip411 line covering the entire county, although the service will also accept tips for crimes that involve the city, Ferrero said.

“We did the research. There are over 1,500 communities in the United States that have Crime Stopper programs and most of them tip411 systems that have been very beneficial to helping law enforcement receive tips on crimes,” Ferrero said.

Tipsters need only download the free StarkCo Crime Stoppers app via Google Play Store or iTunes App Store on their smartphones. They can also send text messages to the Crime Stoppers website.

Although they won’t know who they’re talking to because the technology removes all tipster information except for a number, the officers can respond to the tipster via the tip411 system to create an anonymous two-way conversation.

“We’ve listened to feedback from partners like Stark County Crime Stoppers and have built a more advanced and innovative product to help law enforcement better engage their communities,” said tip411 President Terry Halsch in the news release. “The StarkCo Crime Stoppers app powered by will greatly improve the public’s access to safety alerts, social media channels, important information, and more to help fight crime.”

The tips or information should be about crimes that have already occurred.

“Now, if a citizen sees a crime in progress, they should call 911. That’s important. Don’t waste time calling tip411 on a crime that’s already in progress. Hurry up and call 911,” the prosecutor said.

Police won’t know who is calling.

“We don’t know the phone number, we don’t know the IP address,” Ferrero said, noting that the information is “all anonymous because a lot of people are hesitant, perhaps out of fear of retaliation, or they just don’t want to get involved.”

Police would rather have the information than know who’s giving it because they simply want to solve the crime.

Tipsters can not only submit information about crime, they can also check to see whether a case has been resolved and whether they qualify for reward money, he said.

Reward money amounts are determined by the Crime Stoppers Board of Trustees. The higher the visibility of the crime, the larger the reward, he said.

To send a message to the county’s tip411 program, Ferrero said tipsters should download the app, text the keyword “STARKTIP” to 847411, add a space and then type in the tip information.

Then, he said, click on the word “send.”

The prosecutor said that with the nationwide slowdown currently in progress due to the coronavirus precautions, make this an excellent time to visit the website at and download the app.

“It’s really helpful. Everything we can say in our reporting to the public is there,” he said.

Read the full story from

Application tool used to connect anonymous reporting

Communicating Directly with Your Community During the COVID-19 Pandemic

The global coronavirus pandemic is affecting our world in a truly unprecedented manner.

We know that our partners in law enforcement are on the front line in our country’s effort to reduce the spread of the COVID-19. Our hearts go out to anyone who has been impacted directly by the virus.

During times like these, when direct contact with citizens is limited due to social distancing, the closure of public buildings, and more, we want you to know that tip411 is here to support your agency as you try to find ways to connect with your community.

One of the best, easiest, and most direct ways you can reach your residents and update them on important COVID-19 information in your community is by sending email and/or text alerts through tip411.

Many agencies are already doing this, and you have the ability to as well.

But this doesn’t have to just be about public safety – You and your municipality can use tip411 as a way to communicate directly with residents on a host of topics in a safe and instant way.

We want to reassure you that tip411 is monitoring the situation closely so we can make sure that we are meeting the needs of our customers. 

Please visit our tip411 training page to watch a training video on how to create alerts if you need refresher on how it works.

Dickinson PD launch tip411 anonymous reporting app

Dickinson Police Dept. launches app for reporting crime tips

Tips can now be sent to the department through a new app from tip411 called the Badlands Crime Stoppers app, which is available for free through both the Google Play Store and iTunes App Store.

“This seems to be something that was going to help make the organization more alluring for our community. Ease of access – download on your phone, just hit the button on it … as opposed to remembering numbers and things like that,” said Sgt. Kylan Klauzer, program coordinator of Badlands Crime Stoppers.

In addition to allowing members of the public to send the department tips, it acts as a one stop shop for police department information.

“It’s got links that will get you to the Dickinson Police Department web page, Facebook page and other social media platforms that down the road, we can implement … The big one from this that the board of directors paid for through some donations from the community … when we need to push alerts out, we can push alerts through the application,” Klauzer said.

Anyone with the app will receive alerts to their phone. The app also allows for two-way communication between the tipster and the police.

A press release from tip411 states that the system is 100% anonymous and that the system removes all identifying information, leaving no way to identify the sender, before the tip is sent to the police.

“Sometimes people have their own issues with calling the police department, even if it’s on a non-emergency line … This is just another good way hopefully we can make people feel more comfortable in providing information and knowing that their identity is anonymous,” Klauzer said.

He highly encourages members of the community to download the app to get information flowing as freely as possible.

Those without a smartphone can still share information with police by sending an anonymous tip via text message texting BADLANDSTIP and their message/tip to 847411 (tip411) or by submitting tips through the department’s website at

Dickinson Police Chief Dustin Dassinger said in a press release, “Our continuing goal is to make the city of Dickinson a safe place in which to live, work and play. We believe our new Badlands Crime Stoppers app from tip411 will help greatly enhance our ability to deliver on that mission by engaging our community to help fight crime.”

Read the full post from The Dickinson Press