Yonkers PD Use tip411 to Promote National Night Out

On the evening of Tuesday August 2nd, the Yonkers Police Department will once again be participating in National Night Out (NNO) from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. at four locations throughout the city.  NNO is an annual community-building campaign that promotes police-community partnerships and neighborhood camaraderie to make our communities safer, better places to live.  NNO events will take place in all 50 states.

“National Night Out is a great opportunity for our residents to interact with their local police and community,” said Mayor Mike Spano. “Yonkers has the greatest police department in the country and these events will remind our neighbors that our police are here to serve and keep our streets and families safe.”  Each Precinct Community Council, which is made up of volunteer residents, plans their own NNO event with their local precinct command staff.

There will be activities for all ages including live entertainment, vendors, free handouts, police equipment demos, K-9 demos, and crime prevention materials.  Officers from each of our four precincts, Community Affairs, Emergency Service Unit, Fleet Services, and the Yonkers Youth Police Initiative (YPI) will be present at all four locations.

Police Commissioner Charles Gardner stated “National Night Out gives us another opportunity to strengthen bonds with our residents.  I want to thank the local Precinct Community Councils and our Officers for all of their efforts in planning this great evening out for our residents.  The successes that we have had here in Yonkers over the last few years would not be possible without our community members and this gives us a chance to thank them and have some fun at the same time.”

See the full notice sent to residents using tip411

Anonymous Tip System Giving MPD Crime-Fighting Boost

It doesn’t matter if its late night, early morning or during business hours — violent crime is invading Minneapolis neighborhoods at an alarming rate.

“We need the community’s help to solve these serious crimes that are taking place,” said Minneapolis Police Cmdr. Scott Gerlicher.

Minneapolis police are reminding people how they can help, anonymously, by using their cellphone as a crime-fighting tool.

If you have information about a crime, you can either text 847411 or download MPD Tip on your smartphone to leave an anonymous tip for police.

“They all get triaged here, so we look at every single tip that comes in and we decide who would be best to handle the follow up on this,” Lt. Jeff Rugel said.

He says the system is set up so officers have no idea who is calling.

Read the full story from CBS Minnesota

Text-a-Tip Handy Post Holiday Weekend

While you’re out celebrating Fourth of July, it’s always good to keep in mind that the Laredo Police Department is not just available for emergencies, but also available in case you’d like to report non-emergency criminal activity anonymously.

The Laredo Police Department’s text-a-tip program allows for the people of Laredo to chime in with tips related to criminal activity.

Well 911 is the option for emergencies, but with people celebrating for the holiday, the text-a-tip program could come in handy if non-emergency situations develop in the wake of fourth of July celebrations.

The Fourth of July allows for people to celebrate their independence, but if someone decides to use that independence to take part in criminal action here in the gateway city The Laredo Police Department would like to know about it.

Laredo’s 411 text-a-tip program provides the community an avenue for providing information related to non-emergency criminal wrong-doing.

“It’s a very specialized module for people to utilize so they can give us their information completely anonymous and so they could be free of any fear of being identified and they can give us any information they want”, said Joe Baeza.

Read the full story and watch the report from KGNS-TV


Yonkers Police Introduce tip411 Pro at Press Conference

YPD app poster_800Mike Spano and Police Commissioner Charles Gardner of the Yonkers Police Department in Yonkers, NY announced the new Yonkers PD Tips App at a press conference on on June 17, 2016.

Yonkers new app enables the public to stay informed of the latest Yonkers PD news and events. Users can also submit 100% anonymous tips directly through this app which can be downloaded at the iTunes Store or Google Play store.

Watch the press conference below to learn more and see a demo of how the app works.

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=31uWxrmQRDw?ecver=2]

Victoria Police Team Up with 7-Eleven for “Operation Chill”

Think tip411 can only be used to receive tips and share public safety alerts?  Think again.

Departments large and small use tip411 in creative ways to announce programs and events directly to residents:

“Operation Chill is a program that the Victoria Police Department recently became involved in, partnering with 7-11, to create positive police interaction with the youth in our community.

Officers with the Victoria Police Department will be handing out “tickets” to young people in our community who are observed being good citizens.  This can include many things such as riding their bicycle safely with the proper safety equipment, using crosswalks, following the law, helping others, volunteering time in their community, using their manners, or other things that young people do to be good citizens of our community.”

Learn more and read the full announcement from the Victoria Police Department.