Public can send info anonymously to Sheriff’s Office using phone app

Members of the public can now send important public safety information anonymously on crimes or suspicious activity to the Scott County Sheriff’s Office with a secure message by using a free smartphone app.

Developed by tip411, the SCSOTips app can be downloaded free via the Google Play Store, iTunes App Store, or by visiting the Scott County Sheriff’s Office website at

“We believe the public is our greatest law enforcement resource,” said Chief Deputy Luke Hennen of Scott County Sheriff’s Office. “Our new SCSOTips app, along with our existing tip411 anonymous text a tip system, will help our residents play a more active role in keeping the citizens of Scott County safe.”

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York leaders work to prevent crime through texting campaign

City leaders are working together to prevent crime through a campaign called TIP411.

The hope is that it will keep people safe, as well as help police, through texting.

“The campaign seeks to empower our community residents to become more aware and responsive to crime-related issues while being able to report them anonymously,” Mayor Kim Bracey said.

A reminder is posted on billboards and on the sides of RabbitTransit buses. All you have to do is text your tip to 847411.

“This is an opportunity for the city residents to have a bit of an attitude and typically that’s a bad thing, but I think the attitude we need to have is, ‘not on my street, not in my neighborhood, and not in my town’,” RabbitTransit executive director Richard Farr said.

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El Paso Creates Special Tip Keyword During Pope’s Visit to Promote tip411

The Vatican and the Catholic Diocese of El Paso announced that Pope Francis would be visiting Juárez on February 17, 2016.

During the visit, he traveled a route adjacent to the El Paso-Juárez border for a Mass scheduled at the former Juárez fairgrounds.

Due to the proximity of the motorcade route and the Mass to the U.S.-Mexico border, the City of El Paso created a special keyword to request the public’s help sharing tips related to the Pope’s visit.See the following press release from the El Paso Police Department:

Report Suspicious Activity to El Paso Police Department by Texting Keyword “POPE”

Date:  2/8/2016

EL PASO, The El Paso Police Department is seeking the public’s help by reporting suspicious activity to the Department’s Tip411 line. Tip411 allows the public to share important public safety information anonymously with the police department by sending a secure text message about crimes or suspicious activity. The Department is launching a special, keyword dedicated to the upcoming Papal visit.

If you have information of suspicious activity or a crime relating to the Pope’s upcoming visit and have a cell phone may send an anonymous tip to El Paso PD by Texting POPE and their message/tip to 847411(tip411).  Anonymous web tips can also be submitted right on the Police Department’s Facebook page or

Troopers arrest Mattydale Man on Marijuana Charges

On January 23, 2016, state Police in North Syracuse received information from an anonymous source, via the newly established Onondaga County Tip411 hotline.

The information stated that a person, identified as James R. Corp, was selling illicit drugs and cigarettes out of his residence located at 2400 Brewerton Rd.  Information was obtained which corroborated and supported the purported allegation.

On February 10, 2016, James R. Corp, age 36, from 2400 Brewerton Road in Mattydale, NY was subsequently arrested after a vehicle and traffic stop on Wolf Street for Criminal Possession of Marijuana 4th degree, a class “A” misdemeanor after being in possession of 45 plastic bags of marijuana, which were divided up for individual sale.

Corp was issued an appearance ticket returnable to the City of Syracuse Court for February 24, 2016 at 9:30 a.m.

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Walker County, AL launches tip411 crime reporting app

The Walker County Sheriff’s Office now has an app called Walker Tips that lets residents report crime and remain anonymous. Citizens can send a text tip by texting WALKER plus the tip to 847411.

The project came together with help from the Walker County Chamber of Commerce, Community in Action Coalition and District Attorney Bill Adair.

The push in Walker County is to encourage people to download the free app and use it when they see a problem, from a possible drunk driver to suspicious activity.

Authorities hope this gets teens and young adults more active and reporting crime.

“It’s an easy way for them to communicate their concerns without exposing them to ridicule or peer pressure,” Judge Henry Allred said.

“This is a chance for each of us to be anonymous, completely anonymous, and still fight crime,” Tina Aaron with Community in Action Coalition said.

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