Elizabeth police Tip411

Elizabethton Police and tipsters united with new app

It started with Scotland Yard and was promoted by the FBI.

Police have a long tradition of using the latest technology to solve crimes and arrest the perpetrators.

But despite this ever-increasing use of technology, police are also mindful that one of their most effective tools is something as old-fashioned as an anonymous tip.

The Elizabethton Police Department announced this week that it is increasing its crime-fighting arsenal with a new app to help residents connect with the department to find information, view alerts and submit anonymous tips from their smartphone.

Developed by tip411, the Elizabethton PD app provides citizens of all ages and abilities with a new tool to work with the police. The Elizabethton PD app is available for download tor free via the Google Play Store, iTunes App Store or by visiting the Elizabethton Police Department website at www.elizabethton.org/departments/police.php.

“Preventing crime is our first operational priority as we work from a community-based philosophy of policing,” Elizabethton Police Chief Jason Shaw said. “Working together, we are more likely to make lasting improvements in our quality of life, and I believe the new Elizabethton PD app from tip411 will help make it safer and easier for residents to share information with us to increase safety in our community.”

The new Elizabethton PD app enables the public to share an anonymous tip with police and lets officers respond back to create an anonymous two-way conversation.

“We’ve listened to feedback from partners like Elizabethton Police and have built a more advanced and innovative product to help departments better engage their communities,” said tip411 President Terry Halsch.

“The Elizabethton PD app powered by tip411 will greatly improve the public’s access to agency alerts, social media channels, important information, and more to help fight crime.”

The system is 100 percent anonymous, as the technology removes all identifying information before police see the tips and there is no way to identify the sender.

Residents in Elizabethton without a smartphone will still be able to share information with police by sending an anonymous text tip via their cellphone to police by texting keyword TIPEPD and their message/tip to 847411 (tip411). Anonymous web tips can also be submitted through the department’s website at elizabethton.org/departments/police.php.

Read the full story from Johnson City Press

South Carolina Department of Natural Resources Tip411

Statewide Agencies Seeing the Benefits of tip411: An Interview with South Carolina DNR

tip411 interviewed Captain Lee Ellis of the South Carolina Department of Natural Resources about his agency’s use of tip411.

Q: Tell us about your agency (how many sworn, how many areas/miles are under your jurisdiction, etc.) and the agency’s role in the state.
The South Carolina Department of Natural Resources Law Enforcement Division currently has 262 sworn officers. SCDNR Law Enforcement has statewide enforcement authority with the primary responsibility of enforcement of the state’s criminal codes related to Hunting, Boating, Recreational and Commercial Fishing, Homeland Security, and Search & Rescue response.  SC DNR is responsible for patrolling 30,111 square miles of land, 460,000 acres of lakes, 8,000 miles of rivers, and 3,000 miles of coastal waters.

Q: How did you hear about tip411?
Upon taking over our “Operation Game Thief“ anti-poaching program, I determined that SCDNR needed to increase the avenues through which anonymous reporting of violations was possible. At the time we had a toll-free phone line as the only means of reporting violations. Through talking with other states and conducting some internet research, it was determined we wanted to be able to receive tips not only through our website, but with the huge usage of smartphones we felt an anonymous tip phone app would also need to be a requirement. After talking with several vendors it was determined that tip411 was a perfect fit for our needs.

Q: How is tip411 administered in your agency (responsibilities, protocols, etc.)?
All tips come into our 24 hour radio dispatch facility. Once a tip is received, the dispatcher corresponds with the tipster and, once the area where the violation is occurring is determined, an officer assigned to that area of responsibility is given the tip for follow-up. 

Q: How has the tip411 system aided your agency?
Through the use of tip411, which we named SCDNR Tips, we have received over 1,100 tips since going live in July of 2016. During this time, officers have not only received information regarding violations through the tip411 program, but they have received photographs and videos through the tip app as well. This not only aids in prosecution, but in many cases the violators have admitted to their actions once confronted with the photographic or video evidence.

Q: Any notable tips/arrests credited to tip411 that come to mind?
We have made numerous arrests from tips submitted through tip411 for violations such as night hunting, out of season hunting, hunting over bait, and taking over the limit. The fact that our officers have a direct line to contact the tip submitter without breaking the anonymous nature of the system allows for immediate updates while investigating tips. SCDNR has received numerous tips on crimes other than natural resource violations over the past 2 years, and we pass this information on to the appropriate agency or collaborate during the investigation to ensure they receive the information they need without compromising our tipsters’ personal information.

Q: What have you done to promote your tip411 system to make sure residents know about it and use it?
We have issued news releases on our program and have used media advertising to ensure the message gets out to residents across the state.

Q: Many of our customers are local police departments. Being a state agency, what advice would you give to other agencies like yours who may be considering tip411 or an anonymous tip solution?
At first, SCDNR began using these tip submission opportunities as a test to see if these venues were successful. As tip411 is a low cost subscription-based service, it allowed our agency to avoid purchasing software and the costs associated with maintaining expensive software programs. In just a short time it has proven it was a worthy investment, and we recently renewed our subscription for another 2 years.

Q: Anything else that’s important to note?
The service provided by tip411 has been great! Their technical help working with our IT department has allowed for SCDNR to go from a single toll-free phone tip line to submission venues using our agency website, agency Facebook page, agency smartphone app, and to link with private outdoor related apps to provide a direct link to our tip submission venues even when not using an SCDNR app.

Police Deputy Phone

Are crime-fighting apps truly a boon for law enforcement?

In a recent update from the National Sheriff’s Association, tip411 was mentioned in an article about crime-fighting apps:

Fort Myers Police Department in Florida launched a similar app called the Tip411. It will allow Southwest Florida residents to submit tips and report non-emergency criminal activity while remaining anonymous.

It will not replace 911 calls, but the police believe that it will help them make the neighborhoods safer with the help of an engaged community. At this point, it is a win-win, but it remains to be seen whether these apps turn out to be the boon that their makers promise them to be.”

Click here to read the full story.

Jared Mills screen shot

“It’s been pretty successful so far in the short period of time that we’ve had it…”

The Augusta Police Department is using new technology that they hope will keep the community safer and more aware.

The Augusta Police Department recently launched a new app.

“Basically what it is it’s an anonymous way for people to communicate with us,” said Augusta Police Chief, Jared Mills. “They download the app for free and they can provide us with information and at the same time we can push information out to them.”

The app, Augusta PD, allows users to send in tips completely anonymously.

They tell us that tips have already led to a number of crimes being solved.

“It’s been pretty successful so far in the short period of time that we’ve had it,” said Mills. “And at the same time, we’ve gotten information on drug deals, car accidents, you name it, things that have come to our attention or happened in the city through this app. So it’s been working very well for us.”

Staff Sgt. Christian Behr is the one who found the company to help create the app.

He says that being able to communicate with people anonymously adds another aspect to the police work they do.

Full story from WABI5

Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control

Delaware Natural Resources Police launch tip411 mobile app

Anonymously report poachers, polluters and other violators to DNREC in Delaware.

Delaware’s Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control launched a new law enforcement app, enabling the public to connect with the department’s Natural Resources Police officers, receive alerts and submit anonymous tips from their smartphones.

Developed by software company tip411, the Delaware Natural Resources Police app encourages the public to provide DNREC’s Natural Resources Police with factual and anonymously reported information leading to the arrest of poachers, polluters and other violators. The app is available for free download by searching “DENRP” via the Google Play Store or the iTunes App Store. The app can be used with 100 percent anonymity, as tip411′s technology removes all identifying information before NRP officers see the tips.

Delaware’s tip411 system enables the public to connect with the three branches of Natural Resources Police to report crimes and hazards to public safety. In addition to enforcing Delaware criminal and motor vehicle laws as do all Delaware police agencies, DNREC’s three law enforcement branches focus on specific enforcement areas.

Read the full story from the Dover Post