Police Social Media

Drawbacks to Social Media Data Mining for Police

Many agencies have begun using, or are considering purchasing, social media monitoring tools to mine Twitter, Facebook, and other platforms for crime-related information.

Recently, however, Twitter announced that it was pulling data access for police surveillance tools, and other companies are expected to follow suit.

Our products, specifically the tip411 two way anonymous tip chat solution, can provide a way to gather direct intelligence from citizens (without companies like Twitter and Facebook) determining what data is available to you.

Social media monitoring tools are an excellent resource for investigations and intelligence gathering, but may be increasingly limited over time.

We recently heard from a large department in California who reached out and thanked us for letting them know about this as they were very close to purchasing one of these expensive monitoring tools because they thought they needed it.

We would appreciate the opportunity to share how introducing tip411 into your community can help create direct engagement, without the use of such expensive and limited tools.

There are currently law enforcement agencies in more than 40 states and 1,4000 communities using tip411, and we hope you’ll contact us to request more information or to schedule a brief demo.

New website announcement

Welcome to the New tip411.com

Our customers are great, and they expect a lot from us. That’s why we work tirelessly to deliver better products and a better experience.

With that in mind, we’ve launched an updated tip411 website.

Our new website will give you better access to our information, while also highlighting stories from agencies across the US about how they are using tip411 and succeeding with engaging their communities to share alerts, receive tips, and fight crime.

The new site is also completely mobile-optimized so you’ll be able to access all of our information quickly and clearly from your desktop, tablet, or phone.

Interested in being featured on our site?  We’re looking to share agency stories on our blog and are excited to hear how you’re using tip411 to connect with residents to create safer communities.  Check out our new website, email us, and let’s talk!

Thanks again for being a great partner and, as always, please reach out any time you have questions or ideas for how we can better serve you.

Yonkers Police Introduce tip411 Pro at Press Conference

YPD app poster_800Mike Spano and Police Commissioner Charles Gardner of the Yonkers Police Department in Yonkers, NY announced the new Yonkers PD Tips App at a press conference on on June 17, 2016.

Yonkers new app enables the public to stay informed of the latest Yonkers PD news and events. Users can also submit 100% anonymous tips directly through this app which can be downloaded at the iTunes Store or Google Play store.

Watch the press conference below to learn more and see a demo of how the app works.

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=31uWxrmQRDw?ecver=2]

What Made for a Successful Launch in Onondaga County, NY?

To announce tip411’s arrival at 20 agencies in the Syracuse area, District Attorney William Fitzpatrick did three important things:

  1. Held a press conference and invited chiefs from local departments to attend to show their support for the system and promote its use to local media outlets.
  2. Produced posters and flyers showing agency-specific tip411 keywords that participating agencies could hand out, give to business, hang in city buildings, and use on their social media sites and webpages.
  3. Participated in ongoing promotion – Aside from the initial press conference, the DA and Syracuse Police Chief gave one-on-one interviews to media outlets in the days following the launch to assure continued coverage of the new system in order to reach more members of the public.

See More:

Video – District Attorney Fitzpatrick discusses tip411 outreach
Video -Onondaga County Lauches tip411