
tip411 Tip Leads to Arrest of Two Men on Gun Charges in Wilmington

wilmington pd help fight crime

Wilmington, NC Police Department (228 sworn officers) charged two adults with gun charges thanks to a citizen who utilized their tip411 anonymous tip application. They provided information on two men walking around in broad daylight while wearing ski masks.

Wilmington PD followed up on the lead, which led to stopping and searching 19-year-old Sencere Ortiz and 21-year-old Dorian McNeil.

The police officers also searched the surrounding area and found two handguns and drug paraphernalia, which led to charges on the two individuals. 

wilmington pd arrestOrtiz was charged with carrying a concealed weapon, possession of a schedule VI controlled substance, and possession of drug paraphernalia. He received a $5,000 secured bond.

McNeil was charged with felony carrying a concealed weapon and received a $10,000 secured bond. 

tip411 is an anonymous tip application that gets citizen more involved with law enforcement and their community by providing multiple ways to send tips directly to police, including direct texting.

The anonymous tip tool provides law enforcement with increased tips, higher quality tips, and improved citizen engagement.

The Wilmington Police Department mobile app is available to download for free from the Google Play Store and the iTunes App Store. Citizens can also submit an anonymous text tip via their cell phone by texting the keyword “WPDNC” and their message/tip to 847411.

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Globe PD Utilizes tip411 Alerts to Ask the Public For Help Identifying Suspects

In Arizona, the Globe Police Department (26 sworn officers) recently sent out a mass alert to the public through the tip411 mobile application. 

On Saturday, September 2, 2023 at approximately 11:00 pm, three unknown subjects entered and trespassed on the Old Dominion Mine property.

three suspectsAll three suspects stole a large amount of Copper wire from the mine. One of the subjects is a female and the other two appear to be males with their faces covered.

Globe PD is asking the community to stay vigilant and report any sightings.

tip411 is a two-way tip mobile application that connects citizens directly to law enforcement while maintaining the citizens’ anonymity.

The Globe Police Department mobile app is available to download for free from the Google Play Store and the iTunes App Store. Citizens can also submit an anonymous text tip via their cell phone by texting the keyword “GPDTIPS” and their message/tip to 847411.

See the alert HERE.

Anonymous Tip Leads to Felony Arrest for Alaska State Troopers

Alaska State Troopers (350 sworn officers) received an anonymous tip that led to the arrest of a suspect who had a felony warrant. 

Gareth Ward, who was described by Alaska State Troopers as a “very dangerous fugitive”, was arrested after a citizen submitted an anonymous tip through tip411.

tip411 is a web-based toolset that allows any agency and the public to interact with each other like never before in real-time.

The tipster helped Alaska State Troopers locate the fugitive by reporting the location of the fugitive directly to the appropriate authorities. 

Check out the alert HERE

The Alaska State Troopers mobile app is available to download for free from the Google Play Store and the iTunes App Store. Citizens can also submit an anonymous text tip via their cell phone by texting the keyword “AKTIPS” and their message/tip to 847411.

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Lake County Sheriff’s Department Acquires Tip that Leads to Massive Raid

Drug bustIn Hobart, Indiana, the Lake County Sheriff’s Department (183 sworn officers) recently received an anonymous tip through the tip411 mobile app. The tip led to a successful drug raid and the arrest of 20-year-old suspect, Alexander Taylor.

Items seized in the raid included:

  • $49,766 in U.S. currency
  • 3 pistols
  • 3 rifles
  • 49.5 lbs. of raw marijuana
  • 1.2 lbs. of packaged marijuana
  • 5.2 lbs. of pre-rolled cigars or cigarettes containing marijuana
  • 38 lbs. of gummy THC edibles
  • 45.4 lbs. of wax (concentrated THC)
  • 1/2 lb. of mushrooms
  • 1010 THC vape cartridges

The tip411 app enables the public to share an anonymous tip with police and allows officers to respond in a two-way conversation that removes all identifying information of the sender.

The Lake County Sheriff’s Office mobile app is available to download for free from the Google Play Store and the iTunes App Store. Citizens can also submit an anonymous text tip via their cell phone by texting the keyword “LCSO” and their message/tip to 847411.

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A New Way to Report Crime Anonymously in Hancock County

Hancock QRHancock County Sheriff’s Office (HCSO), MS  (80 sworn officers) has taken the initiative and partnered with tip411, an anonymous tip mobile application, to make it easier for residents to stay informed about crime in their community and to report crime.

“Our mission is to reduce crime and the fear of crime through outstanding law enforcement services in partnership with the community,” said Sheriff Ricky Adam. “We believe the addition of this new app will allow us to have an even deeper crime-fighting partnership with our residents.”

The new HCSOMS app enables the public to share an anonymous tip with police and allows officers to respond back in a two-way conversation that removes all identifying information of the sender.

“The HCSOMS app will greatly improve the public’s access to agency alerts, social media channels, important information, and more to help fight crime,” said tip411 President Terry Halsch. “We’ve listened to feedback from partners like the Hancock County Sheriff’s Office and have built a more advanced and innovative product to help departments better engage their communities.”

The Hancock County Sheriff’s Office mobile app is available to download for free from the Google Play Store and the iTunes App Store. Citizens can also submit an anonymous text tip via their cell phone by texting the keyword “HCSOMS” and their message/tip to 847411.

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