tip411 Enterprise Edition
for Schools

Engage your community and keep your school safe with tip411.

tip411 Enterprise Edition provides a web-based toolset that allows your students, parents, faculty, and staff to communicate safely, securely, and anonymously with district personnel. tip411 provides a safe space for communication about issues like bullying, weapons, drugs, threats, or any other issues that may impact school safety.


Give students a voice and focus on issues like:

  • Weapons in school
  • Bullying
  • Drugs
  • Gang activity
  • Potential outside threats

How it works:

Tips are submitted anonymously via:
• iPhone/Android mobile apps (custom branded for your district)
• Text message
• Web form (posted on district website and/or Facebook page)
Manage tips using tip411 Admin Dashboard:
Send a reply to tipster (two-way chat)
Email and/text message notification of new tip activity
Create/manage admin users for your school
Other Features
Web based admin dashboard – no local IT resources required. Marketing and promotional assistance available
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