The Future of Community Engagement with tip411

For Hamden Police, it is another step in helping to bridge the gap between police officers and the communities they protect. A new smartphone app called tip411 lets smartphone users submit crime tips anonymously. Click here to see the video of Chief Wydra talking about the value of tip411. Learn more…

“Our mission is the preservation of public peace and order, the prevention and detection of crime, the apprehension of offenders, and the protection of persons and property,” said Stratford, CT Police Chief Joseph McNeil. “To achieve this goal, the department strives to gain and retain the confidence and respect of the public in such a way as to insure the welfare and betterment of the citizens of Stratford, and we believe our new app will help us better connect and engage with our residents.” Full Story Here…

COMING SOON!: tip411 Select will allow your agency to connect with specific groups within your community like never before by allowing them to communicate in their preferred language. This cutting edge app, which can be customized for your agency, will make interacting with your residents easier, more efficient, and instantaneous. Learn more about all of tip411’s subscription options…

Talk or text to turn in poachers

Talk or text to turn in poachers

Since the passage of Amendment 75, the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission has made it a priority to increase the amount of enforcement in every county of The Natural State. Each county has at least two officers assigned to patrol its woods and waters, and officers work together to target heavily used areas during certain times of the year. But with all these added men and women, the AGFC has only 180 wildlife officers when at full staff.

With only 180 wildlife officers to cover more than 3.4 million acres of hunting and fishing area in Arkansas, the deck may seem stacked in favor of poachers. Thanks to concerned sportsmen and sportswomen who care about Arkansas’s natural resources, the AGFC continues to make a strong statement to people who try to skirt the law and ignore wildlife regulations.

Anyone who witnesses a wildlife violation is encouraged to call the AGFC via telephone at 800-482-9262 to turn in the violator.

“We make a lot of cases thanks to tips from concerned citizens,” said Major Jason Parker with the AGFC. “Some of the contacts are even made by friends and family members of the people being reported.”

The AGFC’s radio room is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week to receive calls about poaching. They can inform a local officer, who will get back in touch with the contact.

“We keep all sources anonymous if they wish, and we do offer rewards of up to $1,000 for information leading the arrest of some violators,” Parker said.

If someone doesn’t want to talk over the phone, they still can report a violation anonymously, using the AGFC’s Text a Tip service. To send the anonymous tip via text message, text “AGFC,” followed by the tip to TIP411 (847411). You will then receive a thank-you text acknowledging that the text has been received. CitizenObserver, the TIP411 provider, uses technology that removes all identifying information before the AGFC receives the text so that the AGFC cannot identify the sender.

Read the story from KAIT-TV

Crime prevention tips for the holiday season

Hamden Police Send Alert with Crime Prevention Tips for the Holiday Season

The Hamden Police Department would like to provide crime prevention tips for the holiday season.

  • When shopping, park your vehicle in a highly illuminated area.
  • When returning to your vehicle, look inside before entering.
  • When walking to your vehicle, have your keys accessible. You want to unlock the door to your vehicle as quickly as possible.
  • Place purchased items in the locked trunk of your vehicle. These items should not be in plain view.
  • Do not leave your purse/wallet, money, cell phone or other electronic equipment inside of the vehicle.
  • If you are the victim of a robbery, don’t resist. Contact the police (911) immediately.
  • Carry only the credit cards you need and avoid carrying a large amount of money.
  • Please remember to lock your vehicle at all times whether shopping or parked at home.
Map crime locations

New map lets Canton residents look up crime locations

A recently debuted crime map allows Canton residents to see when and where robberies, burglaries and other crimes have occurred.

The map, a service provided at no additional cost as part of the Canton Police Department’s Tip411 subscription, is accessible at or Searches can be refined by address, date range and offense.

“One of our mantras has been ‘an informed community is a safer community.’” said Canton police Lt. John Gabbard. “We want people to know and be aware of what’s happening in your community.”

The option to create a map isn’t new, he said. It’s offered nationwide through Tip411, which allows people to send anonymous tips and receive police alerts, in partnership with data company LexisNexis.

As the department increasingly has used data to inform policing the past five years, record-keeping has reached the point where a map is feasible. Gabbard estimated police reports uploaded to the system are matched to the right location 97 percent of the time.

“As we improve how we can read our information and store it, then it makes a lot of things possible, and this is just one of those things,” Gabbard said.

Read the full story from the

IACP tip411 Select

Visit Booth 1629 at IACP for Info on tip411 Select

tip411 Pro is a cutting edge app, which can be customized for your agency, will make interacting with your residents easier, more efficient, and instantaneous.

tip411 and members of our team will be at Booth 1629 during IACP 2017 in Philadelphia next week sharing information about the innovative new tip411 Pro Mobile app as well as, for the first time ever, discussing tip411 Select!

This new product will allow your agency to connect with specific groups within your community like never before by allowing them to communicate in their preferred language!

Click here to register for a 10 minute time slot at IACP to meet with one of our representatives.

We also encourage you to download the Yonkers PD tip411 Pro Mobile app for free on your iPhone or Android to see how tip411 Pro Mobile can work for your department.

We hope you’ll give the Yonkers PD tip411 Pro Mobile app a look and then stop by our Booth 1629 to enter for your chance to win a GoPro and learn more about how we can help your agency engage with the public, share information, and receive 2-way anonymous tips to make your community safer.

Learn more at and follow us on social media @tip411CO and to see how other agencies are benefiting from our system.