
Bangor, ME Police Department Add to Their Arsenal with tip411

Bangor Police Department, ME (76 sworn officers) announced that it has partnered with tip411 to help reduce crime, improve crime-solving, and increase community engagement.

The tip411 tool allows users to submit anonymous tips, with images and videos, directly to Bangor PD. The tool has other capabilities including sending users crime alerts and community notifications.

“The app is going to be useful for interaction during an urgent situation,” Sgt. Jason McAmbley said, like when police need to notify the public about an active shooter. “It’s more reliable than social media because people will get factual information. The turnaround is really quick, which is important.”

Police can respond to anonymous tipsters in real time when tips come in.

We don’t know who we’re sending a message to, but they can respond to us if they are willing,” he said. “It’s what everybody is doing,” he said about releasing the app. “It’s simple. It’s easy. It’s anonymous. And it’s efficient.”

Watch the video below

The public can submit anonymous tips to the Bangor PD by texting “BPDTIP” and the tip information to 847411. The public can also use the BPDTIP Tip mobile app, powered by tip411, to view community alerts and submit anonymous tips. The BPDTIP Tip app can be downloaded for free at the iTunes and Google Play App Store.

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Atlantic City PD tip411 Investigation Leads to Animal Cruelty Charges

Atlanta City police cruiser

Atlantic City Police Department utilized the tip411 tool to track down and arrest an individual who was recorded striking a pitbull multiple times with a metal pipe on animal cruelty charges.

The video was received and sent through the anonymous tip411 system that provides citizens with a direct communication line to a live officer while remaining anonymous.

With the help of a citizen, the person of interest was identified, arrested and all animals were removed from their home. 

See the alert HERE

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tip411 Tool Plays Key Role in Capture of Suspected Burglar for Kokomo Police Department

Kokomo PDAn anonymous tip from a community member sent through the tip411 tool helped the Kokomo Police Department (89 sworn officers) identify a person of interest in a recent burglary.

The identification occurred after a local business was broken into and multiple smoking devices and miscellaneous items were stolen.

Kokomo PD Identify SuspectKokomo PD released this photo through the tip411 tool asking the community to come forward and identify the individual.  

Multiple tips were received through tip411 which provided information that led to the identification of the person of interest. Police detained the individual with the tips received through tip411.

tip411 is proven to help improve community engagement for law enforcement agencies, schools, and other types of organizations. 

With assistance through the anonymous tip platform, tip411, community members can have open two-way communication with a live officer to increase crime prevention and improve crime solving. 

See the alert HERE.

Anonymous Tip Leads to Major Marijuana Seizure for Kokomo Police Department

Kokomo PDRecently the Kokomo Police Department (89 sworn officers) received an anonymous tip through the tip411 tool from a concerned citizen that resulted in a large marijuana seizure. 

The anonymous tip contained details about large quantities of marijuana and psychedelic mushrooms being dealt to young children. 

The tip resulted in enough information for the Kokomo PD to obtain a search warrant that they were able to execute at the noted location. 

The search and seizure located multiple items that were indicative of active drug dealing which included digital scales, vacuum-sealed bags, and a heat sealer.

Overall the investigation resulted in two arrests with felony charges and a seizure of the following narcotics:

  • 4.8 pounds of marijuana
  • 4.4 pounds of THC edibles
  • Wax
  • Gummies
  • $2,356 in US currency

The public can submit anonymous tips to the Kokomo PD by texting “TIPKD” and the tip information to 847411. The public can also use the TIPKD Tip mobile app, powered by tip411, to view community alerts and submit anonymous tips. The TIPKD Tip app can be downloaded for free at the iTunes and Google Play App Store.

See the ALERT.

Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries urge Public to Submit Information on Poaching of Black Bear Through tip411

Lousiana Wildlife and FisheriesThe Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries responded to a recent report of a dead black male bear in West Filiciana Parish. 

An investigation determined that the bear was killed by a gunshot wound from a rifle.

LDWF has multiple ways for the public to provide tips 24 hours a day, including the LADWF Tips mobile app, powered by tip411, that keeps tipsters anonymous.

The Humane Society of the U.S is offering up to $2,500, the Safari Club International Acadiana Chapter is also offering up to $2,500 and Louisiana Operation Game Thief is offering up to $1,000, totaling $6,000 in rewards for anyone that has information that leads to a conviction for this case.

Taking a bear during a closed season holds between a $900-$950 fine, up to 120 days in jail, and anyone found guilty of shooting this specific black bear may also face civil restitution for the replacement value of the illegally taken black bear totaling $10,000.

The Lousiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries mobile app is available to download for free from the Google Play Store and the iTunes App Store. Citizens can also submit an anonymous text tip via their cell phone by texting the keyword “LADWF Tips” and their message/tip to 847411.

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