tip411 Tip Leads to Arrest of Theft Suspect by Washington County Sheriff, TN

Help Fight Crime

Through the Washington County Sheriff’s Office (86 sworn officers) partnership with the tip411 tool a suspect accused of stealing a package off a porch was apprehended.

WCSO published photos from the homeowner’s security camera showing an individual picking up a package from the porch and leaving in a silver sport utility vehicle with an obscured license plate.

“Within a couple of hours, a citizen contacted WCSO via the tip411 tool to identify the man in the photos. Deputies were then able to narrow down his location and take him into custody for theft,” a news release said.

After the suspect was captured records revealed that the individual also had three active arrest warrants in a different county.

The public can submit anonymous tips to the Washington County, TN Sheriff’s Office by texting “WCSO” and the tip information to 847411. The public can also use the WCSO Tip mobile app, powered by tip411, to view community alerts and submit anonymous tips. The WCSO Tip app can be downloaded for free at the iTunes and Google Play App Store.


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Tip-driven Investigation Through tip411 Results in 13 Asheville, NC Arrests for Gun, Drug Offenses

13 Arrested for Gun and Drug Charges Asheville Police Department
13 Arrested for Gun and Drug Charges Asheville Police Department

Asheville Police Department (200 sworn officers) recently announced the success of their partnership with the tip411 tool, an anonymous tip application that has been proven to reduce crime and increase community engagement. 

Dena J. King, U.S. Attorney for the Western District of North Carolina unveiled the arrest of 13 individuals on gun violence and drug trafficking in a press release.

Captain Joe Silberman of Asheville PD emphasized that they were about to continuously move forward in this case with the help of not just ATF, but also the community. He added that the community played a big part in helping with the case through the anonymous tip line.

“When our streets are plagued with drugs and illegal guns, our communities pay the price,” said U.S. Attorney King in a press release. “The charges announced today are the result of our concerted efforts with our law enforcement partners to remove drugs and illegal guns from our neighborhoods and reduce the violence and criminal activity fueled by the drug trade. We are stronger together. When we join forces, our crime reduction efforts are more effective and we can better protect our citizens and vulnerable communities from dangerous drugs and gun-induced violence.”

Asheville Police Department Tipster Banner

The public can submit anonymous tips to the Asheville PD by texting “TIP2APD” and the tip information to 847411. The public can also use the APD Tip mobile app, powered by tip411, to view community alerts and submit anonymous tips. The APD Tip app can be downloaded for free at the iTunes and Google Play App Store.


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West Fargo, ND Unveils Anonymous Tip Tool: tip411

West Fargo Help Fight Crime

West Fargo Police Department, ND (76 sworn officers) partners up with the tip411 tool to help reduce crime and improve community engagement.

“This app is another example of the department’s commitment to provide the services our community needs and embrace innovative tactics to support public safety,” Chief Pete Nielsen said. “The addition of the tip411 app helps us achieve that goal by providing residents with a safe, easy, and secure way to provide our department with information.”

The app allows the public to share an anonymous tip with police and lets designated staff members respond to create an anonymous two-way conversation.

“We’ve listened to feedback from partners like West Fargo Police and have built a more advanced and innovative product to help departments better engage their communities,” tip411 President Terry Halsch said. “The West Fargo PD app, powered by tip411, will greatly improve the public’s access to agency alerts, social media channels, important information, and more to help fight crime.”

The public can submit anonymous tips to the West Fargo PD by texting “WFPD” and the tip information to 847411. The public can also use the WFPD Tip mobile app, powered by tip411, to view community alerts and submit anonymous tips. The WFPD Tip app can be downloaded for free at the iTunes and Google Play App Store.


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The Minot, ND Police Department Announces a New Anonymous Tip-Reporting Tool: tip411

minot nd police departmentMinot Police Department (60 sworn) has partnered up with tip411 so that residents can anonymously provide tips directly to police. 

This partnership comes after the success of the tip411 tool utilized by the North Dakota Sheriffs and Deputies Association since 2020.

Minot Police Chief John Klug told the Minot City Council earlier this month that the time now is right for his department to directly receive tips.

“The biggest part for law enforcement is if we have seven officers out, they can only be in seven places. But if we have 50 people in the community that are willing to text a tip to us about a crime happening, that’s 50 more sets of eyes,” he said. “It just gives us one more way to connect with people in an anonymous way to report crime to us.”

The public can submit anonymous tips to the Minot PD by texting “MINOTPD” and the tip information to 847411. The public can also use the MINOTPD Tip mobile app, powered by tip411, to view community alerts and submit anonymous tips. The MINOTPD Tip app can be downloaded for free at the iTunes and Google Play App Store.


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City of Bloomington, IL Police Department Closes Cases with tip411

City of Bloomington

The City of Bloomington Police Department (122 sworn officers) posted a notification through the tip411 tool of a suspect in a case involving a commercial burglary where approximately $16,000 in saws were stolen from a local business.

The post was shared multiple times across multiple platforms with the help of the community.

Several individuals reached out through the tip411 tool and provided information that led to the identification of the suspected individual. 

The suspected individual was also involved in several additional burglaries in the area that resulted in a warrant for three counts of burglary.

“We appreciate the help from the community to solve these cases by sharing these attempts to identify and by providing tips!” – The City of Bloomington Police Department.

The public can submit anonymous tips to the City of Bloomington PD by texting “BPDTIPS” and the tip information to 847411.

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