tip411 for
Domestic Abuse Advocacy Groups

Engage survivors of domestic and sexual violence, dating violence and human trafficking with tip411.

tip411 enables survivors of abuse to contact your organization’s survivor advocates who can then respond in real time from any internet connected device, or a mobile app created exclusively for tip411 administrators, creating a two-way anonymous chat.

For people who are experiencing domestic violence it is often impossible and dangerous to make phone calls or visit with survivor advocates in person. Having tip411 available for your community significantly reduces the risks involved to survivors who need access to valuable resources.

With tip411, survivors have several options as to how they prefer to reach out for assistance. The channels include text message, custom branded (often times covertly branded) mobile apps as well as a web form.

It is critical for survivors of domestic abuse to be able to reach out for the assistance that they need safely and securely, tip411 provides these vital communication channels.

While the national domestic violence hotline has been providing online live chat and text messaging for more than a decade, local hotlines often only have the capacity to take calls, tip411 can change the way survivors communicate with organizations to seek help.

How it works:

Survivors can reach out anonymously via:
• iPhone/Android mobile apps (custom branded for your organization)
• Text message
• Web form (posted on organization website and/or Facebook page)
Manage communication with admin dashboard
Send a reply to survivor (two-way chat)
Email and/text message notification of new activity
Create/manage admin users for your organization
Other Features
Web based admin dashboard – no local IT resources required. Marketing and promotional assistance available