U.S. Marshals Announce tip411 for Northern Iowa

tip411 is helping law enforcement agencies across the country rethink how they engage with residents by fostering a feeling of trust and a sense of transparency between law enforcement and the community, but don’t just take our word for it:

“We believe the public is our greatest law enforcement resource. tip411 allows a safe and secure way for our residents to share important information with our investigators without the fear of retribution.”US Marshal Ken Runde

U.S. Marshals Northern Iowa Press Release

tip411 includes not only anonymous text tips but also crime alerts via email and text message. tip411 has been successful in local, state, and federal law enforcement agencies as well as in schools and universities.

We would like to invite you to schedule a short demonstration to learn about how our innovative new tip411 Version 7.0 can help your agency engage your citizens, create safer neighborhoods, and foster community and law enforcement relations.

Community Tips Help Newton, KS PD Crack Down on Crime

“The people are in the virtual world, the social media and so we have to go and meet them there,” Newton Police Department Sgt. Bryan Hall said.

They call it proactive policing. They launched an app called Tip 411 and revamped its Facebook about a year ago to get people to leave more tips. It’s working, tips are pouring in.

“I handle the social media so i get those calls in the middle of the night or those messages so I have a lot of interaction,” Hall said.

They say numerous cases often start with community tips. “It points us in a direction where to start watching, where to start building our investigation.”

See More Here at KAKE.com
Newton PD Facebook Page