San Juan County Sheriff’s Office launches anonymous tip mobile app, developed by tip411

The San Juan County, WA Sheriff’s Office (18 sworn officers) launched a brand new platform that was designed and maintained by tip411 to connect the public, community, and law enforcement. This exciting new tool will provide an avenue for both the community and deputies to find information, view alerts, and submit anonymous tips from their smartphones. 

Tip 411_FINALThe tip411 tool is an anonymous two-way system where individuals providing tips or information can go back and forth with an official. With utilization from both the community and the Sheriff’s department, solving crime will be at the tip of their hands and providing a safer community overall.

By downloading the San Juan County Sheriff’s Office mobile app and signing up for alerts, anyone can be notified of a variety of information regarding major traffic accidents, missing persons, inclement weather, major fire emergencies, and more.

The San Juan County Sheriff’s Office mobile app is available to download for free from the Google Play Store and the iTunes App Store. Citizens can also submit an anonymous text tip via their cell phone by texting the keyword “SJCSO ” and their message/tip to 847411.

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Application tool used to connect anonymous reporting

Tips from tip411 Helps Elizabethton, TN Police Identify Suspects in Theft Investigation within Days

On December 2, 2021, the Elizabethton Police Department sent out a community alert via their tip411 system asking the public for their help identifying suspects from a recent retail theft.

Within days, the public provided tips using tip411 and helped police identify both the male and female suspects in question.

The Elizabethton PD sent a follow-up alert on December 6 to update the public and thank them for their assistance.

View Alert

Groesbeck, TX Police Department Recovers Stolen Vehicle with tip411

Soon after posting about a stolen vehicle on the department’s Facebook page, Groesbeck PD received an anonymous tip through their tip411 program indicating it was observed in the city of Mexia.
Groesbeck PD contacted the Mexia Police Department, relayed the tip information to them, and the vehicle was recovered and returned.
Groesbeck PD said, “The tip411 program is an invaluable tool for our community and we continue to encourage its use. We also want to thank the anonymous citizen who provided the information as well as Officer Bell for his assistance in locating and recovering it for our victim.”
Asheville Police Department Tipster Banner

Asheville, NC PD: 2 fugitives in jail after anonymous tip leads to arrest

Two felony fugitives are in jail after Asheville Police Department received an anonymous tip through Tip2APD, powered by tip411.

The department said Travis Jarrell Jordan and Christopher Darren Mills were found hiding out at the same motel on Nov. 3.

Jordan had multiple open felony warrants:

  • Grand Jury Indictment: Habitual Felon
  • Failure to Appear in court for Possess Firearm by Felon charges
  • Failure to Appear in court for Conspire to Traffic in Opium/Heroin
  • Failure to Appear in court for Possession of Stolen Motor Vehicle
  • Failure to Appear in court for Possession Drug Paraphernalia

Jordan has been charged with resisting an arrest or obstructing an officer and misdemeanor larceny.

Police said Mills had the following warrants for recent breaking and entering that occurred in Weaverville, along with felony probation warrants:

  • Felony breaking and entering
  • Larceny after breaking and entering
  • Attempted felony larceny
  • Injury to personal property
  • Pretrial release violation
  • (2) Felony probation violation

The department said both fugitives are being held at the Buncombe County Detention Center. Jordan is being held on a $52,500 secure bond and Mills on a $22,000 secure bond.

The Asheville PD tip411 mobile app is available for free download for both iPhone and Android users via the iTunes App Store or Google Play Store.

Individuals without a smartphone can share information with the Asheville PD by sending an anonymous text tip via their cell phone by texting keyword TIP2APD and their message/tip to 847411 (tip411)

Read the full story from Fox Carolina

tip411 Community Engagement Innovation for Over 20 Years

tip411’s community engagement technology has come a long way since we attended our first IACP in Toronto in 2001. Over the past 20 years, we have listened to our customers’ needs, reacted to their feedback and developed innovative, industry leading, community engagement tools to better serve their departments and residents.

We’d like the opportunity to visit with you in New Orleans to discuss some of the new features and functionality we have added over the past 20 months:

We look forward to meeting you at Booth #2244 at IACP 2021. If you don’t have time, or won’t be there in person this year, click here to schedule an online demonstration with a member of our team to learn about how tip411 can mobilize, enhance, and improve your community engagement initiatives through cutting edge technology.