Reminder local police department

Hide, Lock and Take: the shopping season is here

Start today! Remind yourself and others when you leave the car to Hide Lock Take. If you see a person displaying items in their car or leave without locking it, remind them too. You can keep your car safe by reminding everyone else, so that criminals won’t be successful in your area. Hide your belongings, Lock your car, and Take your keys! 

Park your car in well-lit areas and lots that have security. Don’t leave your windows rolled down or cracked as this only makes it easier to break in to. Try to park nearest to street or entrances so that it is viewable to passersby. Do not display decals or signs that upgrades have been made to your car. If you’re just not sure, always go with the safest most protected choice.

See the full alert from Lewisville Police with more helpful information and tips.

Victoria Police Team Up with 7-Eleven for “Operation Chill”

Think tip411 can only be used to receive tips and share public safety alerts?  Think again.

Departments large and small use tip411 in creative ways to announce programs and events directly to residents:

“Operation Chill is a program that the Victoria Police Department recently became involved in, partnering with 7-11, to create positive police interaction with the youth in our community.

Officers with the Victoria Police Department will be handing out “tickets” to young people in our community who are observed being good citizens.  This can include many things such as riding their bicycle safely with the proper safety equipment, using crosswalks, following the law, helping others, volunteering time in their community, using their manners, or other things that young people do to be good citizens of our community.”

Learn more and read the full announcement from the Victoria Police Department.